Hello Key Clubbers! I’ve decided to take a break from the student testimonies, and bring you up to date on a few things.
In mid-December, my dad took a job with a company that the US military contracts with to maintain the unmanned ariel vehicles (UAVs, or the Predator) flying missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. For the past 6 weeks he’s been training on this new aircraft at Creech Air Base, near Las Vegas. This past week he completed his training, and yesterday he boarded a plane for Iraq. He traveled commercially from Vegas to Doha, Qatar. From Qatar, he’ll take a military transport into Iraq. During his “lay over” in Qatar, we’re hoping he’ll be able to see my brother! Rich left on January 18th for a 6 month deployment to Qatar. My dad will be working at Balad Air Base, about 40 miles north of Baghdad, for 4 months and will return to Wisconsin in June. Although my dad has made dozens of deployments throughout his 30 year Air Force career, we’re finding it’s a bit different to be living in the civilian world and having dad deploy as a contractor. Military communities are a tremendous source of support during deployments. We’re extremely blessed with wonderful neighbors... who’ve already helped us fix many “dad things.” : ) We’d appreciate your prayers for my Dad and brother during their deployments (for safety, endurance, and encouragement) and for my mom and I as we hold down the fort.
Tomorrow morning I’m meeting with my pastor and our church’s missions director to discuss Malachi and potential support. I’m super stoked for this open door. Join me in praising God for the opportunity, and please pray for me as I share the vision of ministering to military teens.
How this meeting came to be is a pretty cool story - I’ve only been attending my current church for about 4 months. Shortly after I came, a lady asked me what I “do.” I explained to her that I was a missionary with Malachi, and that I was living in the area with my folks while I raise support. She sounded pretty interested, so I gave her some more info about it. Well, a few months passed by, she flew south for the winter, and "out of the blue" last week, I received an e-mail from my church’s missions director, letting me know he heard about my ministry from a gal in the church and was wondering how the church can help! If this isn’t a “Divine appointment,” I don’t know what is! It’s so cool to see God working. Thank you for faithfully praying over the past months for open doors to share the story of the military teen, it’s been a huge blessing and encouragement to me to see and experience the fruit of your prayers!
For the Gospel,