Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Key Club,

Praise the Lord my dad made it home this past week - just in time for Father's Day! It's fun to have him home again. : ) Thanks for praying for his return. My brother will be next; he's scheduled to leave Qatar sometime towards the end of July. He's been over there for 5 months now, and he seems ready to be home.

On Wednesday I'm heading to Green Lake, Wisconsin for a Cadence International mission-wide staff conference. This is something Cadence does every 10 years or so, and this year's conference is conveniently located just 3 hours from my house! The first part of the conference is for Malachi folks. Youth workers from Japan and Germany, and stateside people like me who are raising support, will get together for 4 days of team building and equipping. The second portion of the conference is for the entire Cadence family - both Malachi youth workers and Cadence hospitality house folks, in addition to home office staff and leadership will gather for a week of spiritual refreshment, training, and fellowship. I'm really looking forward to catching up with Cadence friends and connecting with other missionaries. Over 300 people are expected to come to the conference from all over the states, Europe and Asia. Please pray for all the traveling that will be going on! Also, pray that God would be encourage and challenge our hearts as we seek to serve Him well and that He'd renew our vision and hearts for ministering to the military community.

I'd appreciate continued prayers for my support situation. As I've shared with you over the past weeks, my hope is to be serving in Germany this fall, but I won't be released to the field until I have a support team in place to cover the ministry in prayer and to sustain it financially. I'm very excited to report that I'm up to 50% of my monthly needs - Praise God! It's super encouraging to see this number climbing!! I'm still needing $1400 a month. Would you join me in praying that God would continue open doors for me to share with potential supporters and that He'd soften people's hearts for military teens.

Thanks for journeying with me team! I sure appreciate your prayers and encouragement.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dear Key Club,

Trust this finds you doing well and enjoying the start of June. I’d like to introduce you to AJ - my future ministry partner at Ramstein. I met AJ, his wife Anna, and their adorable daughter Moriah, my first year at Multnomah. I’m going to take the week off and have AJ write this week’s update! - Beth


Greetings friends, supporters and family of Beth. My name is Andrew Johnson (AJ) and my wife Anna and I are eagerly awaiting Beth's arrival on the field. We are expecting our 2nd child in July. And while we are overjoyed about our growing family, we do realize this will impact our ministry to military teens at Ramstein. The new baby will pull my wife completely out of ministry for at least six months.

June is month of change for our group at Ramstein, specifically in regards to our staff. My Malachi ministry partner Juliana, will be leaving this month after 6+ years of great ministry to students and families here. Also leaving in June is: Julie, who has been interning with Malachi for the past four months; Laura, a regular volunteer for trips and teaching, who’s headed to Turkey; and Jordan, a volunteer teacher and someone who does a lot of contact ministry with students.

As I consider our teens, I’m painfully aware that the amount of energy to minister to these students is going down significantly. Both the Ramstein High School and Middle School numbers 1,000 students each. When I think about reaching these 2,000 students, I’m overwhelmed both relationally and administratively.

I do, however, have hope. My hope is not in Beth, but in the God we serve who loves these students and wants them to know Him. I would ask that you would continue to pray for Beth to be able to be here soon--since I do believe she is part of God's provision for this community. Further, would you pray that the Lord would raise up new volunteers for Beth and I to disciple and see minister meaningfully to these students.

Finally, if the Lord is moving you, would you spread the word? If you know someone who has a heart for military teens, let them know about our ministry! Encourage them to partner with Beth in her endeavors to see every student as a minister and to work on the great commission. Thanks for your faithful giving and prayers.
Psalm 33:20 We wait in hope for the Lord.
He is our help, He is our shield.

^AJ, Moriah, & Anna