Saturday, March 31, 2012

March Update

Where in the world did March go. One of my middle schoolers told me about their upcoming April fools day shenanigans, and it dawned on me that they were talking about tomorrow!? Yikes. Time is flying by. Here's a quick recap of two of our March events and some prayer requests for our spring break retreat.

Indoor Skiing
A few weekends ago we took a group of high school students to an indoor skiing hall in France (just under 2 hours away). It was pretty cool - and a great place for beginners and not so good skiers. They offered both skiing and snow boarding. I'd never been in an indoor ski place before and it's cool. You don't have to worry about wind or extra coldness. It made for a fun day with students and it's definitely going to be a repeat event... like in July when we want a break from the heat!
^ The left side of the picture, in between the red barrier and wall is the bunny hill. To the far right is the "big" hill. There was a pully thing that pulled us to the top - it took 4 minutes to get up there.

Mad Hatter Tea Party
Last night Heather and I got some of our middle school gals together for a Mad Hatter themed tea party. It was super fun! Heather and Jess decorated the place and it looked amazing. The girls thought is was pretty cool. As we sat down at the table, the girls were really impressed with fancy tea cups and cute dessert-y foods. They thought it was special.

After spending a lot of time deciding on what type of tea to try and after loading it with sugar and cream , one girl began to sip her tea. Heather asked her how it was, and she said good. We looked at each other knowing she didn't like it, but was trying to be polite and drink it. Heather told her she didn't have to drink and that there was punch available. She said, "oh good, I think I'd like that." haha! It was cute to watch the girls practice being polite and lady like.

Our friend and co-worker Jennessa taught a lesson on modesty and did really well. She gave each of the girls a rose and reminded them of how special they are to God and how they should dress in a way that honors Him and protects them.

I like my middle school girls. : ) They've been faithful in coming to Bible study this year. Earlier this year we went through some Beginning and Growing in Jesus books. Last week we began a new study called "How do we know the Bible is True?" So far, we're off to a good start. The study raises a lot of good questions about how we got the Bible and why we can trust it.

Coming Up... Spring Break!
Shorebreak, our annual Spring Break retreat is one week away! It's coming up fast. I was anticipating about 35 students. As of this weekend, we have 55 students signed up! Whoa, 20 extra teens!? We are excited!

The theme is "The Illusion." We'll be looking through the book of Ecclesiastics and the life of Solomon. The speaker will challenge students about the things they are pursuing - popularity, materialism, etc. and how often they pursue those things thinking they will end in satisfaction and fulfillment. He will challenge them instead to pursue things of eternal value - i.e. a relationship with Jesus!

Today we met for a day of staff training, to prepare our volunteers for the retreat. We are extremely blessed to have some great, very solid staff this year. I'm confident that our students will be loved well.

Would you begin praying for students. Of the 55, I've got 30 girls. At least a third of them either don't know Jesus as their savior or aren't currently walking with the Lord. The remainder of the students do know the Lord. Would you pray for them as they process the speaker's talks and think through how they can grow in their faith and minister to those around them.

One morning at camp I'll be teaching a breakout seminar on being a Third Culture Kid. I'll focus on moving and transitioning. I'm going to spend time talking about saying goodbye and some of the things they might encounter as students move back to the states and transition to college. Would you pray for me as I finalize my talk this week? Pray that God would give me wisdom into knowing what students need to hear and that I'd be able to communicate well and encourage students.

THANKS for praying!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Ultimate Superhero

During Escape, one of our volunteer staff wrote a poem to share with our students. It's GREAT!!

The Ultimate Superhero

Superheroes, can you name them all
Do they come to your rescue when you call
There are so many - Let me tell you why
No one super hero can cover your life

Superman's weakness was kryptonite
So what happens if the enemy brings that to the fight
Wonder Woman with her lasso and invisible plane
can she help you when school is driving you insane

Batman has cool gadgets and things
but he's only human, he's got a few dents and dings
When you need a super hero are you left standing alone
Do you text them or call on your I-phone

Spideman, well he's human too
if he's tied up across town who rescues you
Aquaman, king of the sea?
I don't do water so he's no help to me

Now I don't mean to burst your bubble
But will these super heroes get you outta trouble?

Let me tell yall about a man I know
I call him the Ultimate Super Hero
He raised up from Gallilee
and he always walks beside me

Supernatural power is in His hand
He's the creator of every man
He's the master of the sea
If He commands still it will be

What super hero do you know
That walked thru the fire with
Shadrach, Meeshach, and Abidnego
No burned flesh or even smoke inhalation
Causing the Devil huge frustration

The Green Lantern with his green light
But it was God that illuminated the night

What super hero was virgin born
and walked the earth in human form
Was hung on a cross; yes crucified
forgave us, hung his head and died

A crown of thorns is what He wore
Just to settle sins wretched score
On the third day he rose again
My God, My Father, My best friend

Faster than a speeding train
He rescues me from my pain
Leaps tall buildings in a single bound
He saved my soul, I was lost but now I'm found

Cloud by day, Fire by night
He gives us victory in every fight
Xray vision, He sees it all
Telepathic power, He knows before I call

CPT America, Oh Please
Can he supply all your needs
God holds the devil, your enemy at bay
He is the potter, we are the clay

As costumes go He doesn't wear tights
He doesn't arrive with flashy lights
He's rather quiet as super heros go
There's no way you can't disturb His flow

A super hero, yep, three in one
God the Father, Holy Spirit and Son

So when you think a Super Hero you need
look to the Heavens, your soul He will feed
He's stronger, He's faster, He's always right
He holds my hand, he paid the price
Take heart my children let your faith take flight
God the ultimate super hero will save your life!

-Leslie Dillard, Escape 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Recent/Current Reads

I enjoy reading - which is funny, because as a kid I really didn't like to read. My downfall with reading: I like to dabble in a lot of books at the same time and don't necessarily read them cover to cover. This past school year, I've enjoyed (an am still enjoying) reading a number of books... here's the rundown.
> Beginning and Growing in Jesus - middle school girl's Bible studies
This is a great middle school curriculum from Youth Specialties.

> Women of the Bible, Victory Over the Darkness & From Creation to the Cross - high school girls Bible studies/career practicum students
Victory Over the Darkness is a good book on spiritual identity. We went through it last semester. During that time, we were doing a dating/relationship series in youth group. The book seemed to cover some of the same topics, so I found it good for processing the issues with the girls.
This semester we're doing a study of the Old Testament and looking at different women as we came across their stories. I've used the Women of the Bible and Creation to the Cross to help me prep for my studies each week. Note: Creation to the Cross is a great Old Testament survey text if you're looking for one!

> The Year of Living Biblically & Radical - personal reading
The Year of Living Biblically is super funny! It's written by a secular Jew in New York. He's a big time magazine editor and he attempts to follow all of the laws laid out in the Bible (both OT and NT). I read through Radical with a book club. It's an easy read with challenging applications.

> Teenage Girls & Impact - youth ministry equipping
I've never taken a youth ministry class. While in Portland, I was able to attend a few youth worker training conferences, which I found helpful. Sometimes I feel super inadequate as I wade through teenage girl land and try to figure out how to help and encourage students. Teenage Girls and Impact have been helpful resources for me as I grow as a youth worker.

> Slaves, Women and Homosexuals & A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible - personal reading/theology and Bible understanding knowledge and growth
These are hermeneutic books (Biblical interpretation). Roles for women in ministry has been a huge topic among my high school girls this year. It seems I'm asked about women at least once a week by a student. As a women in ministry, it's an issue I've spent a good amount of time thinking and praying through. I've read a lot of books on the topic, from various spectrums. I'm currently reading Slaves, Women and Homosexuals because many people are following the author's redemptive or progressive hermeneutic. He looks at "trouble" passages in the Bible over slaves and women and what does that mean for us today. How can we figure out what is contextual/cultural in the Bible and what is the eternal truth? How can we determine what the text's meaning is? These are good books!

> NIV and The Message - The NIV is my preferred reading Bible and I've been using The Message in my quick (3.5 month read through of the Scriptures)

I also really enjoy listening to a few podcasts. My go to is Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. I like his "Religion Saves, and 9 other misconceptions" - the humor one is really great! He's currently preaching through his new marriage book. While I'm not married yet (or in a relationship), it's been a interesting series so far. I also listen to Matt Chandler from the Village Church in Dallas.