Sunday, August 12, 2012

A day in Worms

Yesterday Heather and I took few of our girls to Worms for the day. One of the girls is moving to CO next week and we wanted to spend a special day with her before she leaves. 

I asked them where they wanted to go and they picked Worms. They were interested in learning about Martin Luther and the Reformation. Worms is where Luther was summoned after he nailed his 95 theses on the door in Wittenburg. Rome called him to Worms to renounce his theses statements. It was in Worms that he is rumored to have said his "Here I stand I can do no other." It was really fun to walk around the city with the gals. One of the coolest parts of living in Europe is the history and it's fun to experience it with students and help them catch a bigger picture of the world. 
Outside the Dom Worms 
On the steps of the Luther Monument 

Only 2 weeks until school starts. This summer has just flown by. It's sort of a weird time - some families wait until the end of the summer to move so students have been heading out and we've said goodbye to some graduates heading off to college. On the flip side... a lot of students who've been in the states visiting family and friends all summer are starting to return to get ready for school. It's been fun seeing them again and hear about their summers. We've also had a lot of new students move in over the past 2-3 weeks and it's been fun!! New students seems to be excited about plugging in and making friends. I think we've got good momentum as we head into the new school year.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Castle Games


We had over 90 people (from 3 different youth groups) come out for castle night games this past weekend and we had a blast! One of the coolest things about living in Europe is the history... and we just happen to have a castle ruins in our town. We pulled out loads of finger darts and dodgeballs and went to town playing different siege games. We had amazing weather and no major injuries : ) So, all in all - a fabulous evening. 

We've had an influx of new students over the past 2 or 3 weeks and that's been really fun. We've got a lot of new faces in our group. It's been nice to do some fun events like castle games (and bowling and movie nights!) in order to start building relationships with students and getting to know them. I think we're in for another great school year! 
Defending their flag during Lord of the Rings (Capture the Flag)
Playing a massive game of 3-step dodgeball, in the castle's courtyard