Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dear Key Club,

Happy Easter friends! I hope you have a very joyous day celebrating the resurrection of Christ! Isn't it awesome that we serve a risen Lord?! Thanks so much for your partnership in sharing this message with teens in the military community.
(^Me and Tanner in SD this past week)
Thanks for your prayers this past week as I made my journey home. After driving over 3,200 miles, I arrived home on Thursday evening. What a great trip! I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to see so many friends, and to share the story of the American military teen and invite people to join with me in reaching them with the Gospel!

This week the Malachi team in Germany is preparing for their upcoming spring break retreat. Over 200 students and staff will be traveling to Tolo, Greece this Friday for a weeklong camp. Would you pray for safe travels - they'll make the long trip via buses and a ferry boat ride.

This is an "outreach" retreat - Students who regularly come to youth group have been encouraged to invite their non-Christian friends to come with them. Please pray that as students hear the Gospel, their hearts would be soft and they'd respond to the Lord.

Students from Truett Seminary at Baylor and staff from Hume Lake Camp are partnering with Malachi to run the camp. Please pray for endurance and wisdom for these workers as they lead the camp, and invest in students.

Recently there has been some unrest in Greece. However, it seems that most of it has been pretty centralized in Athens. Would you pray that the retreat wouldn't be impacted negatively by the unrest. One positive result from the unrest is that it has caused the Euro to fall a bit, making the American dollar go a bit further - this is good for the retreat!

Thanks for journeying with me!

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