Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Break 2011

"Spring break at Shorebreak 2011 with Hume Lake in Garmisch was amazing. New friends and memories were made, it was sunny, it rained, and it snowed in the middle of April, outrageously long french mustaches were worn, epic duals with cheap wooden swords were commenced, and most importantly, God was glorified." - from a student's Facebook status post the day after camp
^ The view from our hotel - it's a Galp! (German Alp)
^ All 180+ of us following rec time

Shorebreak was great!!! Thanks for praying for us throughout the week, God was at work in the hearts of our students.

Our camp speaker did a great job of communicating the Gospel and Jesus' love for each one of us, in a very relevant student friendly way. Many students responded to the messages. I'm super thankful for several great conversations I had with kids. It's amazing how much students open up when they get away from the distractions and noise of their everyday lives back home.

My favorite conversation was with one gal towards the end of the week. Our speaker shared the story of Jesus calming the water after His disciples woke Him up while sleeping on the boat. The student shared with me the different storms she'd been facing - divorced parents and an absent dad who doesn't reach out to her, broken relationships at school and an unwanted reputation, an upcoming move to the states this summer... the list seemed to go on. She threw herself into time consuming sports to escape the drama and to avoid being at home. As she poured out her heart, I felt my heart breaking. She felt unloved, unwanted and alone. I had the privilege to share with her Psalm 139 and tell her how God sees her. I then asked her where Jesus was in the midst of the storms? Was He on the shore? The boat? Nowhere to be seen? She said, "I think Jesus needs to wake up." We stopped right there, and prayed together - asking Jesus to wake up and calm the storms. It's my prayer He'll make Himself known to her in profound ways and take her hand and guide her through the chaos of life.

Some of the other fun times of the week for students were the recreation/team competitions, a high ropes course, an afternoon walking around town shopping and eating gelatto, and an afternoon at an indoor water park on our way home. Fun bonding times!!!
^ Our Ramstein Community
^ Ramstein Girls during community time
^ Jordan and Christie, cheering on the teams during rec time
^ Small group gals, out for gelatto during free time

Many of our students got into the musketeer mustache look on double spirit day : )
^With my Stuttgart CSM friends

1 comment:

  1. Beth, your pictures are awesome, thanks so much for the updates and all the great scenery pictures. Your in a beautiful place. Glad to hear that God is working in and through you. You GO GIRL!!!!!

    Praying for ya,
