Sunday, February 12, 2012

Escape - T minus 5 Days!

Hey Team, Only 5 days until Escape!

The camp theme is "Marvels." We'll be looking at Christ as the ultimate superhero, capable of defeating all evil. It doesn't matter what sorts of "powers" we have, we'll never be able to save ourselves from the traps of this world. Jesus is the only person who can save us from our sins.

Prayer Points -

1. Our Students - we're taking 28 students to Escape this year (13 girls and 15 boys). Our group is pretty young, primarily 6th and 7th graders. Many of them are churched students, however, a lot of them are still wrestling with what it means to have a personal relationship with Lord - aside from their family's church participation. It's my prayer that they will take ownership of their faith and begin to experience Jesus personally!

Going away for a weekend is a great way for students to grow together as a group. Please pray for unity within our group. Pray that the common middle school cliques/attitudes wouldn't be present in among our students and they would have eyes for one another.

2. Our Staff - we've got 4 adults and one teen volunteer helping us out this year. We are super blessed to have great volunteers! They are giving up their weekend to come and love on students, engage in spiritual conversations and point them to Christ! Each staff will have a small group of students who they will lead in discussion after each chapel session and help them personalize and apply the speaker's messages. Would you pray that the Lord would give them energy to get through the weekend, patience and grace to deal with students it's late and they're tired and wisdom to know how to encourage students with their relationship with the Lord.

3. Our Camp Team - Mark Wilson, our CSM director will be speaking throughout the weekend. A team of students and their professor, from Multnomah University, will be leading various components of camp. They'll be helping with small groups, late night games and worship. Please pray for both Mark and the Multnomah team as they travel from the states this week. Pray they wouldn't experience delays and that they'd get over jet lag quickly, and that they'd all connect with our students.

All of the Multnomah students are youth ministry majors. Some of them are nearing graduation and considering their future plans. Some are seriously considering Cadence and this trip is serving as a taste and see. Pray that God would use this weekend to open their eyes and draw them to CSM in the future!

4. Experiential Learning - AJ and I are leading 2 experiential learning times during camp. They will be times for students to do something active that will serve as an illustration for some of the camp messages. Please pray that our activities will go well and that they will help students understand the messages.

5. Weather/Travel - Winter finally arrived in Germany last week. It's finally cold enough that the snow is sticking to the ground. Please pray that we'd have good weather while at camp and wouldn't have to deal with closed roads or really bad/wet/cold weather. Pray for safe travels!

Above all, pray that the Lord would be glorified through Escape and that His Gospel will be proclaimed well! Psalm 86:10, "For You are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God."

THANKS so much for taking these requests to the Lord. It's a huge blessing to have you as part of the prayer team. Thanks for joining me in reaching our students with the Gospel!

Looking forward to sharing camp highlights with you when we return!


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