Shorebreak 2012, The Illusion
Hey Team! Thanks so much for your prayers for Shorebreak! Sorry I've been slow in getting pictures and a report up. After getting back from the retreat we had a CSM Staff Conference for a week... so life has been full!
This year's theme of "The Illusion" was super relevant to our students. So many of our students are putting lots of time and energy into their "High School 401K" - multiple AP classes, varsity letters, joining multiple clubs and extra curriculars, volunteer hours... the list goes on. The speaker challenged students to think through the things they are pursuing, and why. What do they value and/or desire to get out of those things? Popularity? Materialism? Money? Relationships? We looked a lot at the life of Solomon - a man who had everything and still called it all meaningless in the end. All in all, we had a great retreat. At least 4 of our students accepted Christ for the first time! We also had a number of other students recommit their lives to the Lord. Praise the Lord!
This year's theme of "The Illusion" was super relevant to our students. So many of our students are putting lots of time and energy into their "High School 401K" - multiple AP classes, varsity letters, joining multiple clubs and extra curriculars, volunteer hours... the list goes on. The speaker challenged students to think through the things they are pursuing, and why. What do they value and/or desire to get out of those things? Popularity? Materialism? Money? Relationships? We looked a lot at the life of Solomon - a man who had everything and still called it all meaningless in the end. All in all, we had a great retreat. At least 4 of our students accepted Christ for the first time! We also had a number of other students recommit their lives to the Lord. Praise the Lord!
"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commands, for this is the duty of all mankind." Eccles. 12:13.
^ My small group! We spent our last day of camp at an amusement park - riding roller coasters and screaming our lungs out. : ) It was a fun way to end the week. Small group time is typically my favorite part of camp. After each session, we break into small groups to discuss the speaker's talk, answer questions and talk about applying it to our lives.
On a side note... one of my students recently moved here from Grand Forks AFB! She went to the same elementary/middle/high schools that I went to, had some of the same teachers and played on a lot of the same sports teams I did. It always warms my heart when I see her coming in with a Twining or Central hoodie on. : ) It's been super fun to reminisce about good ole' North Dakota and have someone affirm the beauty of wide open prairie spaces. I love it!
^ Two of our students stood before their peers and shared their testimonies with the entire camp! Both had been impacted by previous spring break camps. It was really encouraging to hear how the Lord used past retreats to meet them and set them on a path of spiritual growth!
^ Our Salvage Praise Band led the camp in worship on the final night. We've been extremely blessed this year to have a phenomenal group of musicians. We also have some amazing staff who are really patient and dedicated to helping our students grow and develop as worship leaders.
And finally, what's a trip to Italy without great pizza and cappuccinos?
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